Everyone can benefit from having a clothesline. A drying rack is essential for efficiently drying laundry both indoors and outdoors.
If in summer it is always preferable to hang the laundry outside, during the winter months you are almost obliged to keep the clothesline inside the house, especially in geographical areas where it is particularly cold.
Here we had listed out the best Clotheslines that are presented below.
Buyer Guide to Choose Clothesline
The classic model that can be used at home, on the terrace or in the garden, is the one made of plastic or aluminum. It consists of a central part with parallel wires and two closable side shelves, while the legs, which also open, are X-shaped.
Although this is the most popular traditional clothesline, it is certainly not the only one available on the market today. For example, those who have a small terrace but do not want to give up the useful space could opt for a balcony model that is fixed to the windowsill or railing.
Another interesting space-saving solution that is widely used is the telescopic drying rack to be installed on the bathroom or terrace wall.
When closed, it occupies a minimal footprint. Indeed it can become a practical towel rack; when, on the other hand, you have to use it, just open it and stretch the internal threads. It is done in a moment.
Tower models are also very popular, optimizing the space because they develop in height and provide multiple shelves vertically, ideal for placing them practically anywhere, even in the shower cubicle.
If, on the other hand, you do not lack the space available and you always have a lot of laundries to hang out, you could think of a model with a useful surface of tens of meters.
They are very ingenious clothes, closable, equipped with wheels to be moved very easily, and those of the best brands differ because, when closed, they stand alone.
A more modern drying rack is the one for the ceiling to be mounted inside the house or on the terrace. Closed, it occupies a small footprint, and remote control is used to open it: it is a practical system, but the price is not the first-rate.
A special notation deserves the electric clothesline, which differs clearly from the other models we have seen. Aesthetically, it is similar to the traditional ones with X-shaped legs and closable side shelves, but the operation is more similar to that of a dryer.
Although it is cheaper both as regards the initial expense to buy it and as regards consumption, it also makes no noise and can always be used without annoying anyone.
Compared to a traditional clothesline, the advantage is that the bars produce heat as if they were the elements of a radiator: by placing the garments on them and perhaps turning them over after a while, they dry much faster.
This particular appliance manages to heat the environment in which it is placed, ideal in winter, but less suitable in summer.
Compare prices and types but also pay attention to the material with which the clothesline is made: the choice is reduced, for the most part, between plastic or metal models.
The former are cheaper, do not spoil, and do not rust even if they are forgotten outdoors when a shower breaks out. However, they are less resistant than the others and could yield over time if stressed often.
Metal drying racks, at least those with wires or bars of a certain thickness, should be better able to withstand a greater load, ideal for those who often hang very heavy linen such as bathrobes or towels.
One last note is reserved for the words “spreading meters” or “spreading meters.” For example, if a model has ten spreadable meters, it means that the sum of the bars or threads is equivalent to ten meters as if you could spread the laundry on a single ten-meter long thread.
How to Use a Clothesline?
A clothesline is a useful tool for all people who do not have an outdoor place, such as a private garden, where to set up an area for laundry.
The ideal solution is, of course, to let your clothes dry in open spaces to avoid humidity, stagnation, mold, and other unpleasant inconveniences. This, however, is not always possible, making it necessary to use special products.
Types of Clothesline
On the market, it is possible to find numerous types, all with slightly different uses. The classic models, the resealable ones that can be placed in any room, have a very low cost and represent the most comfortable choice for many users.
However, the other types should not be underestimated, such as the one with an extendable arm that can be hooked to the wall, up to the electric ones, usually installed on the ceiling to take up as little space as possible.
The choice depends entirely on the availability of space in your apartment and your needs. Our advice is to set up a special room, if possible, where you can leave your laundry to dry, so you will avoid absorbing too much humidity and causing some ailments.
Also remember, if you cannot hang your laundry on the balcony, leave some windows open, thus preventing the formation of mold. So let’s see together how to use each type of clothesline in detail.
The former, made of steel or plastic, can be easily closed after use. The larger models are equipped with extensions that make more threads available for hanging laundry.
The first step is, therefore, to open it completely, in this way, you will be able to balance the weight better, starting to hang the laundry in the central part.
Usually, in the central area, towels, sheets, duvets, and everything that is bulky is spread out. Having more threads available in the central part, you will be able to arrange them better, while, in the extensible parts, considering their smaller dimensions, the underwear should be stretched.
Often you make the mistake of hanging particularly delicate sweaters and sweaters without any crutch. This could leave unwanted marks and creases on your favorite clothing. To avoid this inconvenience, it is better to use a hanger, which you can conveniently hang on the clothesline.
The use of the second type, the clothesline with arms, is more limited. On the market, there are different sizes. However, the need to hook it to the wall reduces its capacity.
They usually also act as a towel holder and should be installed in the bathroom. When you intend to use it as a clothesline, just extend it, and you will have a comfortable space to place freshly washed underwear.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Types of Clothesline Exist on The Market?
It is difficult to draw up an exhaustive review of all the drying racks on sale at the moment, and it is easier to identify the solutions based on their main characteristics.
Fixed or mobile solutions can be found. The fixed ones are anchored to the wall, and here they can always be visible or retractable so as not to clutter when not in use.
Mobile solutions can be easily stored in a sheltered corner when not needed. Another parameter needed to find the best solution for each is to choose based on the maximum height that the wire can reach to lay or the actual extension, in meters, of the available wire.
Where to Put and Not Put the Clothesline?
The clothesline produces moisture, which is dispersed from wet clothes as they dry. So it is important that the area is ventilated and that it allows a good exchange of air.
On the contrary, it is easy for the clothes to stink after drying because, in the meantime, stagnant moisture will have formed the bacteria that cause the bad smell.
If the drying rack is to be kept indoors, it mustn’t be in a room facing north, which will probably also be the wettest in the house. And above all, there is no need to put it where there is no opening, such as a door or window from which to let moisture flow from the air.
How to Mount a Clothesline on The Ceiling?
Usually, the same supplier offers basic indications on the type of hardware to be used to fix the clothesline to the wall. But it is always important to consider that the anchors will have to carry considerable weight.
In addition to that of dry cloths, usually around seven kilos, we must add the weight of the residual water, which can double it based on how much they are wrung out before being stretched out.
The dowels must be suitable for the consistency of the ceiling, and it is important not to overload it if it is made of plasterboard, here it is not possible to fix anything.
How to Assemble a Balcony Clothesline?
There are several models for the balcony, which determines the difference is its size. Often the same weight of cloths and clothesline is used as a counterweight to ensure a good seal simply by hooking it and without requiring masonry.
When only one window sill is available, it is important to evaluate the dimensions it must have and those allowed by the clothesline to have enough space to anchor. The choice of the model is less binding if it is to be anchored to the railing.
Where Do You Throw the Clothesline?
These are multi-material objects that can hardly be disposed of together with everyday garbage. It is good to contact your municipality and consider the possibility of conferring it directly on the ecological island or if you need to resort to the bulky waste collection service.