In this guide, accompanied by reviews, we have highlighted which features to check in order to buy a model that you shouldn’t regret.
In addition to the aesthetic factor, another element of fundamental importance in choosing a pair of glasses is how much the lenses are able to shield UV rays.
If you, too, happen to squint on particularly bright days, remember that this is nothing more than a signal from your body of the danger of exposure to the sun.
Here we had listed out some of the best sunglasses that are given below.
What to Look for Before Buying Sunglasses?
The charm of sunglasses is what made them the most loved accessories over time. But compared to other gadgets that we wear daily and that make up our look, sunglasses perform an important function: to protect our eyes from ultraviolet rays.
Originally used by aviators and motorcyclists, over the years they have spread on a large scale, becoming elements of style. Round, square, oversize sunglasses with metal or plastic frames: many possible combinations.
The Evolution of Sunglasses
A brief excursus on the history of sunglasses allows us to understand how they have evolved over time, transforming themselves from technical tools into fashion gadgets that complete our look.
Uva and Uvb: The Two Enemies to Block
This accessory, now considered on the fashionable and indispensable market, actually has the very important scientific purpose of protecting our eyesight from damage caused by UV rays.
The UV rays, divided into UVA and UVB, are invisible radiation from the sun and only partially shielded from the Earth’s atmosphere and clouds.
These waves can damage the skin, in the form of burns or with the development of tumor forms, following prolonged exposure, but are particularly harmful to the delicate mucous membranes of the eyes.
When choosing a pair of glasses it is necessary to pay close attention to the type of lenses used, which must guarantee almost total protection against this type of radiation. And remember to always be wary of models that don’t report any information about it.
The Materials Are Not All the Same
Once it is clear that the model you like offers adequate UV shielding, another factor to consider is the material with which the lenses have been made.
If you compare prices, you will see that the best brands choose polyurethane, which combines lightness, flexibility to respond well to impacts, resistance to scratches, and, above all, a clear vision, despite the dark color.
Some Aesthetics
There is nothing better than a beautiful and sunny day to get us out of the house and take advantage of the good weather for a walk or, in summer, a refreshing swim in the nearby beach. Our favorite sunglasses cannot be missing together with the appropriate warm clothing or swimsuit.
After having talked so much about the protection and quality of materials, the time has come to tackle the topic most heard by users: aesthetics.
The manufacturers of sunglasses, often associated with the major fashion brands, have teams of designers, charged with creating shapes and colors that conquer the masses and become objects of desire, at the top of the rankings of the sector’s magazines.
There are models with large and enveloping lenses, which give a tone to the face, highlighting it, and others thin and with an essential frame.
Such as technology products for skiers and mountaineers, which efficiently cover the eyes, following the lines of the head to anchor to it and resist gusts of wind and jolts.
Moving on to another genre of glasses, if you are passionate about video games or movies, you could consider a good pair of virtual reality glasses.
Lens Characteristics
Lens shape and color are two key aspects when choosing. And not only for a purely aesthetic but also functional issue. In addition, we will see how much construction materials affect the quality of the glasses.
The Frame Between Design and Comfort
The non-secondary element in the choice of the glasses is the frame, which is the frame inside which the lenses are embedded.
Dimensions, weight, and design of the frame exert a certain weight in terms of comfort, and the materials used to determine their greater or lesser resistance.
How to Use Sunglasses?
During the summer season but also in winter on particularly sunny days, it is good practice to wear a functional and quality pair of sunglasses.
In choosing the model with the shape that best suits your needs, we have highlighted some fundamental points that we advise you not to overlook.
Right below we had shared the proper video guide on sunglasses to make sure how to choose and use them.
Don’t Forget the Case
It seems obvious but often most people do not store the pair of glasses at the end of the day in the area dedicated to their conservation, that is the case.
There are soft, rigid, and semi-rigid types on the market. Our advice is to aim for the model that ensures total protection from bumps and falls.
Do Not Scratch the Lenses
The quality of the lenses must be preserved by avoiding placing the glasses on surfaces or areas at risk. If they are not designed to be scratch-proof.
In fact, they can be permanently ruined and preclude the goodness of vision with unsightly signs that reduce the quality of observation of what surrounds you.
Buy the Glasses in Specialized Stores
The purchase of a pair of sunglasses is recommended at those stores born with the specific vocation for the sale of glasses and optical products.
Better get advice from professionals who can suggest different types of lenses by combining the pleasure of shape with adequate protection.
Avoid Too Heavy Frames
The comfort factor plays a major role, especially if you wear glasses for a long time. Feel and experience the comfort that these objects transmit to you, paying particular attention to the area of the nose and the weight of the side arms behind the ear and the height of the eye.